Tanzanear’s key development objective for 2014 and beyond is to assist become a Centre of Excellence for the care of deaf children in Tanzania and a facility to reach out into the deaf community to provide support thorough diagnosis and on-going care. To achieve this we have begun a staged programme to create a specialist audiology centre at the school. This will provide comprehensive treatment for pupils as well as facilities where deaf people of all ages can come and be assessed for hearing aids which are tailored to their needs, clinic fitted and maintained. Outline plans have been drawn and we estimate that the building will cost some $350, viagra sale 000 to complete. The first phase of this work is to build an ear mould laboratory and we are thrilled to say that we have secured funding for this phase. We are hugely grateful to the John Anthony Clark Charitable Trust (JAC Trust) for this funding. As a consequence, work started just before Christmas on what will be both the renovation of existing buildings as well as the building of some new ones. The pictures show this work in action and we will keep you posted about our progress as well as with ways you can support this work financially. Anyone who can suggest Trusts we might apply to please contact us.